Well m’Lords and Ladies,
It is time to call your servants and instruct them in the fine art of preparing for Mondo Croquet.
When: July 30th, High Noon until about 5pm
Where: NW Park ave and Everett, Portland Oregon
(Here’s a google map if you think you might get lost)
- Bring a bowling ball and a sledgehammer. Don’t worry if you don’t have, we’ve got plenty of extras to loan out
- You’ll enjoy yourself more if you’re dressed appropriately in lawn whites, or Mad Hatter gear, or simply appropriately inappropriate. Peruse some of our photos for ideas.
- Bring along something to share for the picnic and something cold to drink.
- …and you might want a chair.
It’s a smashing time. Tell your friends! Taunt your enemies!
Prepare for fun…
This is our 20th year – can you believe that?
If y0u knows the facebooks, here the Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/217602002062703/