Ladies and gentlemen, a mere 12-something years after launching the first web site for Mondo Croquet, I have launched a brand new site!
Here you will find photos going back to 1997, the very first year we played, the occasional video, instructions and hopefully other helpful items.
It is true that am involved with building web sites for a living. However, I am not a designer. Normally I shape other people’s hopes and dreams into a series of tasks and milestones that engineers and designers turn into a web site. Sometime I take a designer’s mockups or a stack of design elements and build the site myself.
In this case, my sole design element is our photo archive which I’ve endeavored to port to this new format.
Feedback? Suggestions? More photos? Contact me and let me know.
This new site is just another step on our long journey to taking over the Summer Olympics. There’s lots of stuff to do here yet. Stay tuned.
And stay beautiful.
— Your Lord Peters